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NOT So Fun Facts About Termites

Writer's picture: Eco Pest BermudaEco Pest Bermuda

Living in paradise sometimes means living with termites. Here's some not so fun facts about these terrible pests.

Termite poop look like salt and pepper.

Termite pellets (aka poop) are tiny, oval-shaped capsules, about 1 millimeter in length, that can form small mounds which look like small piles of salt or pepper depending on the color or the wood that's been digested.

Found termite wings and poop? You may have an infestation.

Since termites form their colonies inside wood, it can be challenging to detect their presence. Did you know that once you see discarded termite wings and termite pellets your home is likely already infested?

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A termite queen's belly is so big it can't walk.

A mature termite queen is huge compared to other colony members. Her size is due to her large abdomen which allows her to carry a great number of eggs. In fact, a mature termite queen isn't able to walk, because while she lies on her stomach her legs can't even reach the ground! If she needs to go anywhere, the worker termites must carry her or roll her to the place.

Termite workers and soldiers are almost always blind.

In almost all termite species, both the workers and soldiers in a given colony are blind. Since these industrious individuals spend their lives in the confines of the dark, damp nest, they have no need to develop functional eyes. Reproductive termites are the only termites that require eyesight since they must fly to find mates and new nest sites.


Call Eco Pest at the first signs of a termite infestation - it can save you $$$$ in home repair bills. Remember, the extensive internal damage termites inflict may go unnoticed because an infested home may appear structurally sound from the outside.

Contact Eco Pest today if you suspect termites in your home (or if your neighbor has discovered termites in theirs). Email us at or call 296-7378 (PEST).

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